Lance is on Fall Break this week, so we decided to have some family fun. Monday, he got to spend the night at Maine and Pop's house. Tuesday, Darren was off work. We picked up Luke from school then went to the park for a picnic. That night was had a back yard camp out which was very fun! We had a fire and roasted hotdogs and markmallows, then the boys slept in the tent and me and Levi came inside and slept in our warm beds. That's my kind of camping! Wednesday, we went to the Yellow River Game Ranch. It was a beautiful day and the boys loved it! Thursday (today) has not been as eventful. Luke went to school and Lance, Levi and I went to preschool to work for a couple of hours. We went over to Maine and Pop's to do some laundry and left Luke to spend the night. Lance had a game tonight and it was freezing! They did get their first win of the season, finally! Then we rode to Johns Creek to take Darren some eye drops, because he has pink eye again! Tomorrow we are making cookies for our fall gathering at the Rainey's on Saturday. Saturday, we will be busy. Pumpkin patch in the morning, then to the Rainey's for a short time before Lance's last (thank goodness) tball game at 3pm, then back to the Rainey's for more fall fun! Enjoy the pictures!